to Japanese

Myanmar 2004:
Burma after 60 years
Katsusaburo went to Myanmar

12/24 Payaghi Sittoung Bridge Shwehle Hninpale
12/25Nyuang-U Bagan

12/26Kyaukpadaung SanzuMt. Popa Mountain streamWhite riverbed
12/27 35 miles' camp Pyn-U-Lwin
Churches in Mandalay

12/28 Palace in Mandalay Tasks in the camp Katsusaburo's sketch book Downtown in Mandalay
12/29 Yangon in th morning
Yangon Wharf Central Yangon

Ce-zu-tin-ba-deh! (12/24) (12/25) (12/26) (12/27) (12/28) (12/29)

Food in Myanmar (Restaurants, Tea, In the town)

Creatures in Myanmar (birds, cattle, horses, dogs)

Former and last routes
Extensive map
(from "Burma In 1945")

Supplement1: "To-min" (Winter sleep, a fantasy)
Katsusaburo made this illustrated book in the camp of Mandalay 1946.
The Hikari-za Theatre
The Cinema Black Cat
All Rights Reserved.

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Links for handing down the war(produced by Kiyoshi NISHIHA)