The secret path near Odawara

(The Secret Path near Odawara)
These Information is available to use on your own responsibility.The Use of these road information is restricted by rocal law. And it is difficult to insure your car against an accident on these drag road. In Japan you drive on the left hand side of the road and overtake on the right side.
1.The kintoki Shrine-the Yuhi Falls(Yuhi no taki)road
The drag roads are often less than 15 feet wide and bump.The driving on this road is restricted by law. The road near the Yuhi Falls is difficult for drivers.
2.The Kojiri mountain pass-Iwanami road
The road is narrow, attention is necessary for passing of your car. And passing is regulated due to the weather.
3.The Gora in Hakone-The Ogikubo terminal in Odawara
It is omitted from the bridge between Goro and Miyagino in the byroad to it,Tonomine.The road is narrow, and attention is necessary for driving. And, passing may be regulated. Because it is hard to be understood, a map is necessary for the way to Ogikubo interchange of Odawara-Atsugi motorway.
4.The rout 1 ShortPass near Ohira town
It is convenient when it is used if a car is jammed when it gets off the Hakone mountains. It turns at the road to the right before the town of Ohiradai. It joins Route 1 when it turns at the next T letter way to the right. It takes about 4-5minutes by car.
5.The City of Yugawara-The Hayakawa town Road
It is convenient for use an old road between the Yugawara and the Hayakawa. Because the road is narrow, attention is necessary for passing the way. Traffic congestion was eased the Seisho bypass motorway because it was extended.

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